Most of the day on Saturday disappeared into a whirlwind of recital prep, actual recital, post recital dinner with parents and piano teacher, and hanging out with our dear friend Brigid. Searching for something to do that night, we decided that it was time to venture the other direction out of the bubble (East!) and expand our knowledge of beer at a new Bier Garden in Harlem called Bier International. This was a bit of an odd choice since Rebecca doesn't like beer and Zoë was basically too exhausted to do much except flip her coaster into the air and attempt to catch it. Luckily we brought along reinforcements: Jacob and Brigid! Those two kept things lively and we really can't recommend the place enough despite the fact that neither of us were really all that conscious (not a beer induced unconsciousness, parents and future employers!) We were big fans of the decor: simple, almost picnic-style benches filled the small space, the lighting was made out of mesh, and--our favorite--on the walls were painted various ways of saying "beer" in more languages than we could identify.
øL=beer? Who knew?
It was a good night, but after one round Zoë and Rebecca headed home as Jacob and Brigid continued their adventures (maybe they should have a blog).
The next day was Easter and the true day of separation. Rebecca jetted off to Long Island to hunt for easter eggs and eat copious amounts of food with Madeleine's family and Zoë (with her parents in tow) made her way to 4 of New York's notable parks looking for bunny rabbits to celebrate Easter with. She failed to find many bunnies, but succeeded in finding $5 on the ground, lots of tourists, and a cool piece of sidewalk art by a favorite jazz musician:
Esperanza Spalding! A new album! Go listen, friends!
Rebecca on the other hand, failed to win the Easter egg hunt this year (for those of you who witnessed last year's victory, it was truly one of the most impressive things any of us had ever seen). She nevertheless managed to return to campus with an array of Easter candy, the traditional chocolate Easter bunny (traditional in Madeleine's house, at least), a tulip plant, and exactly $6 to add to the newly created fun fund.
Our Easter weekend loot, which Rebecca felt the (oddly domestic) desire to arrange on the futon.
We know it's disappointing to you that we've lumped an entire weekend into one post, but don't worry, there's plenty more coming your way, so keep reading!
In the spirit of Easter and new life, we'd also like to take this opportunity to share a really delightful video, that we just can't get enough of (and yes, we know we're extremely weird).
Geekity geeks (we love you, Tucker),
Zo+Bëx (hahahahaha.... we figured one of us should have the umlaut thing)
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