Thursday, April 5, 2012


Our adventure started off sans-zoom, with a visit to an old favorite: Baby Cakes, a vegan/gluten free bakery in Soho. (Please note that neither of us is gluten free or vegan).  After taking some super awkward pictures of ourselves sitting in the window of the shop and getting dirty looks from the other customers, we mustered the courage to ask another customer to provide this photographic proof of our visit:

Thing 1

Thing 2

Happiness with baked goods (and ineptness with self timer)

After finishing our animal free carrot cupcake, and wrapping up our banana chocolate chip bread in an obnoxious NYC tourist grocery bag, we proceeded to explore the über trendy über expensive (yes, we are umlaut happy) stores in the neighborhood.  Since our bank accounts are already angry with us for the coming month, we decided not to blow $80 on that cotton tank top, and instead invested $2 in the best, strongest, and most creatively made cup of coffee ever.

Between our exploration of said expensive clothing stores, a strangely labeled "designer lingerie" store with strange polyester creations in the window, and finding the subway again, we stumbled upon The Roasting Plant. It was, in a word, zoom-y. It was full of John-Jay style cereal dispensers, except, instead of being filled with sugary cereals (or, depending on the time of day, neglected bran flakes), they were filled with an impressive variety of coffee beans.

While we find coffee beans to be impressive in themselves, the most impressive feature of this coffee shop was the fact that upon ordering a simple cup of coffee, the store would fill with the sound of a vacuum followed by beans flying upwards (zoommming, if you will) before being deposited in one of the grinders at the front of the store.  Zooming, grinding, brewing, and voila! A cup of "microbrew" coffee, so strong it could have been espresso, created within 45 seconds. Happiness ensued.

ZZooooooommmmm! (goes nicely with Zoe, don't you think?) 

Mmmmm, Coffee! (Also, finally a candid picture!)

So basically, we love vegans, baked goods, coffee, expensive clothing, and smashing them all together in a downtown adventure. What makes it even better is that this all occurred on a Monday afternoon (when Zoe, theoretically, should have been learning differential equations...).

Stay tuned...

All our love,
Zo + Bex

p.s. We forgot to mention that if any of you have the burning desire to escape "the bubble" yourselves, hit us up!  We won't post our personal information here, but if we actually want you to contact us, you probably already know how to! We'll even let you guest blog!

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