Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Rules of the Game

Hi friends (and creepy stalkers),

Zoe (Thing 2) and Rebecca (Thing 1) here. We've come to realize that our days here in New York are winding down and we've lost most of this year to grad school and thesis stress. Now that Zoe has her pick and Rebecca has taken 150+ pages off her life, it's time for adventures. Back in December, we made a list--a list of things to do before leaving this beautiful city (most of them involve food).  We decided that, since April was the magical month of free time post grad school/thesis stress and pre-graduation festivities, we would make it a point to go off campus every single day. We also decided to document our adventures  for all of you in the form of this blog--our very own study abroad blog. (We're still bitter we didn't get to study abroad. We, too, can avoid our academic responsibilities and eat jealousy-inducing food in beautiful and exotic places with beautiful and exotic people).

So you might be wondering: what exactly is off campus?  Good question.  "Campus" is not simply the right-angle, brick and green roof filled square that is Columbia.

We've defined "the bubble" is the area between 125th and 96th streets (although, really, it's more like 110th-120th streets, but we'll be generous), bounded by the river to the west and Columbus/Morningside/Morningside Park to the east. This is home and every day we will leave it.

We've made an epic calendar out of Post-It notes to help us keep track of the days and adventures and we'll try to keep this blog as up to date with pictures, our recommendations, and our ever amusing anecdotes (although we're already behind, so don't expect too much).

(see! it's super spiffy!)
(also, for this particular study abroad blog, please ignore the world map)

That's it for now, and keep checking to follow our adventures around the city!

Signing off (ever so officially),

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