Friday, April 6, 2012

Our date with Tom Hanks...

...went as well as Meg Ryan's--he stood us up too!

True love.

(Instead of Pride and Prejudice and a rose, we had Rebecca's reading for feminist texts and Zoe's oboe.)

We also were accompanied by the lovely Joanna, whose presence in our lives this year has been depressingly small. Luckily, she'll appear again for your reading pleasure in a couple posts.  Just for you Joanna: BOOBS.

Moving on. Tuesdays are something of a scheduling nightmare, for one simple reason. EVERYTHING at Columbia is scheduled for Tuesday night. Always. Between Rebecca's classes, Zoe's lab time, and the horde of extracurricular things on Tuesdays, it's quite the challenge to live up to our off campus promise. This particular Tuesday was special because it was the end of the semester orchestra concert (and Zoe's last as an undergrad!).  Making it through an hour long Mahler symphony in one piece always calls for celebration and the late hour called for some quick thinking on what non-creepy locales would be open for some adventuring.

We ended up coming back to an old favorite, Cafe Lalo.  Also known as the cafe in which Tom Hanks stands up Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, it's a popular tourist destination for all those heartsick fans.  Impressively, it still manages to be a local favorite and serves a mean chocolate cake. We bounced in at around 10:45 to find it the emptiest any of us has ever seen it and quickly scarfed down some delicious sorbet, and coffee with some questionable half-and-half (I wish we had photographic evidence, but you'll just have to take our word for it that Joanna literally had to whisk her coffee to get it to mix in...)

 The entrance to Cafe Lalo, miraculously free of a bunch of people waiting for a table.

New piece for MOMA: Joanna with funky coffee. 

Aren't we beautiful?

We managed to demolish the sorbet within just a few minutes, then piled in a cab (a finely calibrated, quintessential New York experience that happens to cost exactly the same as the subway does when split between three people from the mid-80s and Broadway/Amsterdam).  Return to the bubble meant an epic return to homework, and while we're sure you'd all love the details of Zoe's foray into ordinary differential equations and Rebecca's battles with inorganic chemistry, we'll save those for another time (maybe we'll turn this blog into a blow by blow of our daily lives once April is over...we're far too wordy for twitter. Plus we hate it.)

Lots of love,
Zoboe + Rebz

p.s. (Zoe really likes co-opting these p.s.'s) If any of you are reading this on the Columbia campus and are free Saturday April 7 (tomorrow!) at 3 pm.  Come to Sulzberger parlor for super secret activities that will be loads of fun.  aka. Zoe's Senior Piano Recital!!
p.p.s. There will be snacks. From Trader Joe's.

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